“What commission rate do you charge?” It’s one of the first questions a potential seller asks their realtor when listing Colorado real estate for sale. However, the answer isn’t always straightforward because commission rates come with whats and whys. Knowing the percentage is one thing, but understanding the services rendered within that percentage is vastly different.

The array of real estate marketing and advertising services offered from brokerage to brokerage varies drastically. While the commission rate charged may be very similar, the ability to market properties and reach buyers is not. While a lower commission rate might make a real estate transaction seem more profitable on paper, a higher commission rate might include more marketing services to sell your property faster and for more money.

United Country Real Estate Western Land & Lifestyle Properties is a perfect example of a brokerage that offers more marketing and value for a similar commission rate. Let’s explore.

Websites With National Reach For Multiple Property Types

At our Cedaredge real estate office, our award-winning marketing strategy begins long before we sit down with a potential seller to discuss listing their Colorado property for sale. We have established top-ranking websites optimized to help potential buyers nationwide find whatever property type they’re searching for.

Our websites capture the attention of buyers across the country. If you’re listing a rural home for sale in town, local buyers can find your property via search. Likewise, if you’re listing a luxury ranch, buyers on the other side of the country can find your property via search.

Digital Marketing Shows Your Listing to More People

As a brokerage and individual brokers, we consistently produce content for social media, email newsletters, and web advertisements. This content has helped us expand our digital reach and establish a database of potential buyers that we can target with your property’s unique features.

We also invest in advertising select listings in national magazines and catalogs, not just local papers. The more we get our names out there and position ourselves as the go-to resource for Western Colorado real estate, the more likely potential buyers will stick around and find your property whenever it hits the market.

Commission Rates Cover Resources

Everything we do is designed to present your property in the best light, find qualified buyers, and help you sell faster and for more money. That mission means we invest our money into marketing, advertising, professional photos, videos, custom mapping, virtual tours, panoramic photos, and more. We’re excited about that investment because it helps our sellers get better results.

We expect sellers who want to achieve better results to invest in those resources too, which is how we determine our commission rates. Commissions don’t just cover your Colorado realtor’s time and expertise, but they reimburse us for the expenses we incur on the seller’s behalf to provide strong marketing and advertising platforms for their property.

What if a higher commission rate could help you sell your property faster and for more money? Furthermore, what if better marketing platforms could help you reach more buyers… buyers who want to pay market value. That enhanced reach pays for the commission and then some. As a seller, it’s important to do your due diligence to ensure your broker is delivering the best marketing platforms to help you sell your property. Just as you would with any other purchase, you should make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

Getting More Real Estate Exposure For Your Money

Many brokers spend their money on desk fees, but United Country Real Estate Western Land & Lifestyle Properties chooses to invest our resources in marketing. Our real estate marketing strategy sets us apart from the competition and provides the best possible outcomes for our clients.

If you want to market your Colorado property to a bigger database of potential buyers, email me or call me at 970-986-2955.