Selling land in Colorado comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. For one, vacant lots and land are not subject to the same supply deficits as the housing market, so these listings often sit on the market for longer periods. Furthermore, the buyer pool for land is smaller than that for houses because many real estate buyers want a place to live immediately. However, there are real estate investors who understand the value of owning land in an appreciating market. Therefore, if you’re listing land for sale in Colorado, you must understand how to reach these buyers and the value of patience.

At United Country Real Estate Western Land & Lifestyle Properties, we have specialized marketing channels and websites dedicated to land for sale in Colorado. Here’s what we wish our land and lot sellers knew about the process.

Make Your Land Attractive To Target Buyers

In the same way we stage a home to help buyers picture themselves living there, we can stage land to appeal to the most likely target buyer. For example, if you’re listing farmland for sale in Colorado, you can mend the fences, manage overgrowth in the fields, and clean the ditches. Doing so communicates to a buyer that they can immediately move their livestock or plant their crops. Similarly, if you’re listing a residential lot for sale in Colorado, you should clean up the landscaping, trim the overgrown lawn, and fix gates or fences. A clean lot helps the buyer picture their dream home as opposed to the impending work.

Understand Your Selling Options

As your real estate broker, depending on the type of land you’re selling, I aim to strike the most fruitful balance between marketing your property to a broad audience and hyper-focusing on a specific target buyer. Like any Colorado property for sale, most land for sale starts on the traditional real estate market. However, some Colorado acreage for sale is better suited to sell at an auction, especially if it includes personal property in addition to the real property. Whether listed traditionally or at auction, land for sale often appeals to cash buyers since it is usually priced lower than homes. Furthermore, most people buying land (without a house on it) already have a place to live, so they view the land as an investment property.

Work With a Professional

No matter what kind of Colorado land you’re listing for sale, working with a seasoned real estate professional brings knowledge and expertise to the table to help you sell faster and for the best price. Selling land comes with unique challenges and strategies, especially because there aren’t a lot of reasonable comps to help you determine the right price. A real estate broker familiar with land sales understands how to look past these challenges, set an accurate price, and reach beyond home buyers to find those interested in land and lots. What other questions do you have about listing land for sale in Colorado? Let me know how I can help by calling me at 970-986-2955 or emailing me at